Western Australia 2015
![Western Australia 2015 Western Australia 2015](https://www.nature-photos.cz/galerie/novinky/min_1428698328.jpg)
The journey lasted from January to February 2015 in the period of high summer, when temperatures reached more than 50 celsius. We drove 8021 km and injected rubber, one totally destroyed. Its area is Western Australia almost 34 times larger than the Czech Republic and the population density is more than 100 times smaller than the Czech Republic. Low population is due to the remoteness of Australia and migration policy and not natural handicaps.
Western Australia
I can recomend this place to see. This is a short list of places visited. Ledge point, Jurien bay, Paynes Find, Youmani Downs, Dalga Ranga (Walga Rock), Cue, Newman, Nullagine, Eighty Mile Beach, National Park Karigini, Cape range - Yardie camp and Mesa camp, Coral Bay, Mymilia, Shark Bay, Bilabong, Enaba, N.P. Yalgorup, Hamelin Bay, Pemberton, Nornalup, N.P. Striling, Brookton, Perth.
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![New way around Armenia in 2014 -Will be prepare during November 2015 New way around Armenia in 2014 -Will be prepare during November 2015](https://www.nature-photos.cz/galerie/novinky/armenie_min_1426593461.jpg)
I visited Armenia, a beautiful country full of unreal nature and wildlife.